
News Center 2010

September 5, 2010

Syntergy Now Supports Distributed Livelink Deployments with Replicator

Distributed Livelink: One Instance, Two Instances, Three Instances or More

Syntergy is promoting the idea of distributed Livelink instanaces through its Replicator product. If an organization has deployed Livelink, then most likely it has more than one Livelink instance and possibly several instances depending on the organization's business needs. Many organization questions if they are getting the most efficiency out of their Livelink environment and their Wide Area Network (WAN). A business can be more agile, efficient and competitive by utilizing Distributed Livelink.

Distributed Livelink refers to Livelink deployments that span multiple Livelink instances. These farms are located in either a single location or spanning multiple locations. There are several common application scenarios where a Distributed Livelink solution is warranted and why a Distributed Livelink solution is the answer. The easiest way to understand where a Distributed Livelink solution is a good fit is to consider the following application scenarios:

Application Scenario





Local, national or global deployments of multiple Livelink farms with a single server or multiple load-balanced servers in each farm.


Extranet with same Domain or Cross-Domain Synchronization


Multiple Livelink instances deployed in the same location to support extranet or other application specific scenarios.


Real-Time Active-Active Disaster Recovery


Secondary Livelink instances deployed to support disaster recovery and COOP (Continuity of Operation) scenarios.


Content Aggregation and Syndication


Collection and/or distribution of Livelink content between two or more web applications (including Livelink workflows and distributed web content management).

It is common for most Livelink customers to have a need for one or more of these scenarios in their organization. Microsoft Gold-Certified Partner, Syntergy, delivers bi-directional, asynchronous, server to server replication software with its award-winning product called Replicator for both Livelink and SharePoint platforms.

We look forward to scheduling at your earliest convenience a personal online demo of the capabilities of Replicator and answering any questions you may have. Please email info@syntergy.com. or call Martin Black at (561) 483-2020.